MS XXXG-01W Wing Gundam Ver.Ka. MG


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Article number: BAN 123714
Availability: In stock
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The gorgeous and ever-popular Wing Gundam gets the "Katoki" treatment, and in a Master Grade kit, no less! Katoki Hajime's designs are unique and appealing; combined with Master Grade detail and engineering, this is bound to be one of the hottest machines in the Master Grade lineup! Over 260 pieces on 13 runners, plus polycaps; everything is molded in color and snaps together, for ease of assembly -- and no need for paint! The usual foil stickers for eyes and other "glowing" parts are included, as is a sheet of clear "Gundam Stickers" with various warnings and markings on them; and of course Bandai's not forgotten their super-crisp rub-on transfers for the major designation markings! Highly-poseable and heavily-armed, this high-tech beauty also transforms into flight mode once completed!

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